115129 B. Annegers 10/25/01
Skagit, Darrington Ranger District at FSR 2640, Mt. baker - Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -122m
115140 J Coleshill 11/6/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker Ranger District at Rd. 15, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. From the jct of FSRs 15 and 1550 drive southwest on Rd 15 for 2.8 mi to the \\bearing tree (northwest end of base line) from the bearing tree walk southwest across flat area to saddle or dip in the ridge across through this to another depression(deep). Continue south across depression to 3rd saddle and hike south down hill holding a bit east to the bottom of a jct of small draws. The reference point is just up from the jct. ot the southeast. The lowest in a large like of Pseudotsuga menziesii. """, 48 - -121m
112615 J. Coleshill 11/6/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Mt. Baker Ranger District, From the jct of FSRs 15 and 1550 drive southwest on Rd 15 for 2.8 mi to the \\bearing tree\\""" (northwest end of base line) from the bearing tree walk southwest across flat area to a saddle or dip in the ridge across through this a depression (deep). Continue south across depression to 3rd saddle and hike south down hill holding a bit east to the bottom of a jct of small draws. The Reference point is just up from the jct to the southeast. The lowest in a line of large Pseudotusga menziesii.""", 48 - -121m
116530 J. Coleshill 11/6/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -121m
116531 J. Coleshill 11/6/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -121m
119006 J. Coleshill 11/6/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -121m
119116 C. Kovach 6/20/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -121m
119126 B. Kersens 5/31/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -121m
117012 Angela Baker 10/11/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Mt. Baker Ranger District, Fromt he jct of FSRs 15 and 1550 drive southwest on Rd 15 for 2.8 mi to the \\bearing tree (northwest end of base line) from the bearing tree walk southwest across flat area to a saddle or dip in the ridge across through this to a depression (shallow) cross this depression wlaking south through another saddle to another depression (deep). Continue south across depression to 3rd saddle and hike south down hill holding a bit east to the bottom of a jct of small draws. the Reference pointi s just up from the jct to the southeast. The lowest in a line of large Pseudotsug amenziesii.""", 48 - -121m
119128 B. Kersens 5/31/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -121m
119122 R. Durham 5/31/01
Skagit, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 48 - -122m