J. S. Shelly 561 1983-06-20
United States, Oregon, Lake, 3.5 air miles NNW. of Beatys Butte, 0.4 air miles NNW. of Willow Spring, 0.1 miles NW. of Beatys Butte Road, just west of Lake-Harney Co. line., 42.4327278651 -119.369428765, 1585m
Elaine Joyal 1186 1986-06-09
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Road Gulch, N of hwy #20 & Malheur River., 43.81506 -117.9212, 1067m
Carl C. Epling 5673
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, Seaside., 45.9933 -123.9214
Ralph L. Thompson 88-1069 1988-06-24
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Murlte [Myrtle] Island Research Natural Area, 11.3 ha island in the Umpqua River at end of Cougar Creek Road, 7.3 km west of Bullock Bridge at OR 138., 43.475 -123.5431
Ralph E. Brooks 20282 1990-07-18
United States, Oregon, Josephine, ca 2 mi E Selma; E end Lake Selma., 42.2792 -123.575354441005
Louis F. Henderson 1023 1882-07-13
United States, Oregon, Tillamook, Tillamook prairie.
William E. Lawrence 2745 1919-08-19
United States, Oregon, Lake, Paulina Marsh., 43.1733622 -121.025146
William E. Lawrence 1806 1918-06-20
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, at Theil Creek, four miles south of Newport., 44.5526809556615 -124.0522
Louis F. Henderson 1780 1882-07-29
United States, Oregon, Columbia or Multnomah, Floating Islands, Sauvies Island., 45.7223 -122.8192
Richard R. Halse 8605 2012-07-18
United States, Oregon, Coos, along State Hwy. 42 at its junction with the Gaylord-Powers Hwy, ca. 3 miles south of Myrtle Point., 43.03259 -124.11225, 11m
Ruth E. Hopson none 1944-07-23
United States, Oregon, Lane or Linn, Gravel Bar at Deadman's Ferry., 131m
C. L. Folger NET013 2011-07-28
United States, Oregon, Tillamook, South Netarts Bay., 45.3662 -123.9647
Kirk Whited s.n. 1901-08-26
United States, Washington, [Chelan], Stevens Pass.
Melinda F. Denton 3361 1973-07-19
United States, Washington, Clallam, Olympic National Park, Deer Park, 18-19 m S of intersection of hwy. 101 rd. to Deer Park (on Blue Mt.)., 1646m
Harold L. Lint C-512 1965-06-28
United States, Washington, Pacific, Hwy 101 ca 1.6 km n of bridge across Middle Nema River.
Harold St. John 5328 1921-07-10
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Colville National Forest; Mt. Bonaparte., 1128m
Kenneth K. MacKenzie 549 1916-06-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis., 44.5647 -123.2608
Jon Titus s.n. 1994-07-14
United States, Washington, [Cowlitz/Skamania], Toutle Mudflow northwest of crater breach; Mount St. Helens.
Bruce N. Newhouse 2005-017 2005-07-14
United States, Oregon, Lane, on mud flats at Fern Ridge Lake (reservoir); approximately 500 feet north of northest edge of Jeans Peninsula., 44.0844 -123.3067, 114m
Douglass Henderson 7109 1986-07-14
United States, Idaho, Lemhi, west slope of Beaverhead Mts. in vicinity of Leadore; Salmon National Forest; above Reservoir Creek; ca. 0.7 miles upstream (NE) from junction with Big Bear Creek; USFS Rd 275., 42.0034187152 -113.226134619, 2164m
Elaine Joyal 290 1980-08-08
United States, Washington, Skamania, end of FS Rd #1019 to Sunrise Peak; Steep, east-facing slope, recently cut and riparian zone with fireweed (Epilobium); Mt. St. Helens ash 1.1.5 deep., 46.3378372 -121.738959, 1400m
Carolyn H. Ferguson 46 2008-08-23
United States, Idaho, Latah, Rock Creek Road, 1.6 mile from Davis Road intersection., 46.8356388888889 -116.877058333333, 1074m
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 7034 1910-07-20
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Bingen., 45.7149315 -121.4653327
Harold L. Lint C-503 1965-06-27
United States, Washington, Island, Whidby Island; Coronet Bay, marina.
R. Q. Maroney 98-41 1998-08-03
United States, Idaho, Bonneville, vicinity of transect 2; plot 500m; Hayfield (7B)., 43.086319353 -111.377104325, 6389m
Peter F. Zika 23261 2007-07-26
United States, Washington, Wahkiakum, N side of Route 4; near Columbia astreet; Cathlamet., 46.1983333333333 -123.37, 65m
Irma Bunnell s.n. 2003-06-08
United States, Washington, Whitman, Folwell's property near Magpie Forest; South of Kitzmiller Road and about 1 mile north of Pullman., 46.7567754 -117.14881
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 617 1921-07-28
United States, Montana, Park, Suksdorf's Gulch; 9 mis. northwest of Wilsall.
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 8814 1916-07-10
United States, Washington, Spokane, Mica Peak., 47.5733 -117.08
Harold L. Lint C-543 1965-07-21
United States, Washington, Yakima, Mirror Lake on slopes of Mt. Adams.
Kirk Whited 710 1898-07-05
United States, Washington, [Kittitas], Kittitas Valley.
Robert Goff 02-69 2002-07-19
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest; US Forest Service Road #39 Salt Creek Summit Sno-Park, 1.0 mi east of parking area; jct Forest Road 3915 and 100., 45.2108333333333 -117.064666666667, 1892m
Scott Sundberg 4055 1997-06-24
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, Camp Rilea; southwest of Warrenton; intersection of North Neacoxie Road and South Land Nav Road., 46.15086 -123.94972, 10m
Nick J. Otting 2883 2010-07-11
United States, Oregon, Grant, Blue Mountains, South Fork Antelope Creek drainage, east side of Antelope Valley, 4.0 air miles southeast of Seneca., 44.1091 -118.89516, 1501m
Serge C. Head 1757 1957-07-03
United States, Oregon, Baker, west from Smidt's Cabin., 44.98436 -117.37165, 1158m
Serge C. Head 1087 1957-07-01
United States, Oregon, Baker, 100 yars north of 2nd bridge on East Eagle Creek., 44.99998 -117.35381, 1173m
La Rea Johnston 2691 1965-06-30
United States, Oregon, Curry, approx. nine miles south of Gold Beach, at Meyer Cr., 42.30165 -124.40339, 30m
Carl E. Bond none 1955-08-10
United States, Oregon, Coos, 1 mile north of Saunders Lake., 43.539555405 -124.2153
Peter G. Mika 38 1972-06-15
United States, Oregon, Benton, about .5 miles east of Muddy Creek, William Finley Wildlife Refuge., 44.4 -123.3
Carol Jefferson s.n. 1974-06-12
United States, Oregon, Coos, west side, North Slough, Coos Bay., 43.3681 -124.2158
Virginia L. Crosby 221 1975-07-08
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Cow Creek, 6.5 mi. s.w. of Riddle on Cow Creek Rd., 42.92037 -123.497
Virginia L. Crosby 217 1975-07-08
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Cow Creek, 6.5 mi. SW of Riddle on Cow Creek Rd., 42.92037 -123.497
Virginia L. Crosby 995 1976-08-31
United States, Oregon, Linn, Mt. Washington, 6 miles south of Santiam Pass on Hwy. 20 via Pacific Crest Trail (#2000), 2.5 miles to Mt. Washington via Mt. Washington trail., 44.32374 -121.9188, 1981m
Richard R. Halse 2037 1979-07-29
United States, Oregon, Benton, N.E. Corvallis, west of Canterbury Circle, area around Frazier Creek., 44.60008 -123.24113, 67m
Harold L. Lint C-322 1964-06-24
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Camp Westwind near mouth of Salmon River., 45.04122 -123.9992
Robert E. Frenkel 2875 1982-06-15
United States, Oregon, Coos, Pony Slough, Coos Bay, E of North Bend Municiple Airport; central marsh lobe., 43.41742 -124.22502
Richard R. Halse 2891 1984-07-11
United States, Oregon, Polk, along the bank of the Little Luckiamute River, .2 miles out of falls City along Black Rock Road., 44.86219 -123.44961, 135m
Jacqueline Greenleaf 364 1981-06-13
United States, Oregon, Josephine, south slope of 8 Mtn. large system of seeps and rills, crossing road a little west of milepost 2; extends from near river to at least 350m. uphill., 42.2334076331 -123.663559273, 411m
Georgia S. Mason 10277A 1975-08-02
United States, Oregon, Lane, back of the Power Plant at Leaburg., 44.1075 -122.6758
Ralph L. Thompson 6605 1978-07-31
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Mrytle Island Research Natural Area, 11.3-ha island in the Umpqua River, at end of Cougar Creek Road, 7.3 km west of Bullock Bridge and OR 138., 43.475 -123.5431
Bruce H. Rittenhouse 2064 1997-08-01
United States, Oregon, Coos, North Spit of Coos Bay, on north side of dredge lobe in upper salt marsh (above road), approximately .5 mile south of anandromous facility., 43.3925 -124.296944444444
Bruce H. Rittenhouse 2059 1997-07-31
United States, Oregon, Coos, North Spit of Coos Bay; 200 feet east of foredune road, approximately 0.7 miles south of powerline & station., 43.3811111111111 -124.266111111111, 2m
Paula J. Brooks s.n. 1996-08-21
United States, Oregon, Grant, Mt. Ireland area, along F.S. Rd. 7370-100., 44.8148895403 -118.313165279, 1890m
Duncan W. Thomas 157
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, Lois Island., 46.1875 -123.720555555556
Peter F. Zika 13336A 1997-08-19
United States, Oregon, Coos, North Spit, BLM Coos Bay District., 43.41606 -124.28904, 2m
Peter F. Zika 12088A 1993-07-16
United States, Oregon, Klamath, N of and below McFall Reservoir., 42.11509 -121.37946, 1390m
Bruce N. Newhouse 97057 1997-08-21
United States, Oregon, Coos, east shore of unnamed pond just W of Lost Lake., 43.0220226077 -124.429607966, 7m
Peter F. Zika 13201 1997-06-20
United States, Oregon, Coos, E margin of outlet creek at NE corner of Croft Lake., 42.98865 -124.45929, 3m
Peter F. Zika 12035 1993-06-19
United States, Oregon, Benton, DOD Camp Adair rifle range, 0.7 mi E of Smith Hill., 44.7141849258 -123.268517025, 79m
Richard R. Halse 59165 2000-07-30
United States, Oregon, Wheeler, along U.S. Hwy. 26, 16 miles east of Mitchell, by milepost 84; growing in rocky, sandy areas along Mountain Creek., 44.55744 -119.86828, 1098m
[unknown] s.n. 2000-06-16
United States, Oregon, Clackamas, Minthorn Springs., 45.44152 -122.62225
Andrew R. Moldenke 3543 1980-07-26
United States, Oregon, Jefferson, Camp Sherman vicinity Penstemon peckii research; Mid Cache Creek Transect study site., 44.42836 -121.66471
OSC0001770 Barbara J. Ertter 2971 1979-06-26
United States, California, Riverside, behind Kenworthy Ranger Station, near Route 74 in Hemet Valley, San Jacinto Mountains, San Bernardino Nat'l Forest., 762m
Barbara L. Wilson 11817 2006-06-19
United States, Oregon, Coos, east shoreline of Lost Lake; Bureau of Land Management property west of Laurel Grove., 43.02529 -124.43162
Peter F. Zika 23290 2007-07-27
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, Lewis & Clark Road, hills NE of town of Seaside., 46.1 -123.876666666667, 115m
Richard E. Brainerd 1259 2008-07-25
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Blue Mountains, North Fork John Day River drainage, 12.5 miles southwest of Ukiah. Along Scaffold Creek above its confluence with Stony Creek., 45.0476 -119.1574, 1303m
J. S. Elder none
United States, Oregon, Lake, near Paisley., 42.6939 -120.545
J. S. Elder 34
United States, Oregon, Lake, near Paisley., 42.6939 -120.545, 1676m
Frank B. Lenzie B955 1919-06-28
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Whitman Forest; Head Elk Creek, Burnt River C & H range., 1859m
Daisy R. Overlander 61 1924-07-03
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Waldport., 44.4269 -124.0675
H. A. Scullen none 1926-06-28
United States, Oregon, Coos, Charleston., 43.3403 -124.3289
Scheiffer T-12 1937-07-15
United States, Oregon, Lake, Hart Mt. Antelope Refuge; marking corral, lower transition., 42.5233 -119.6292
Celia B. Steward 6559 1953-08-19
United States, Washington, Jefferson, Crocker Lake; 8 miles north of Quilcene., 47.9330355 -122.87476, 55m
E. R. Lake none 1907-07-18
United States, Oregon, Linn, Pamelia Lake., 44.6533 -121.8465
Elbert H. Reid 303 1937-07-14
United States, Oregon, Grant, Whitman National Forest; Mt. Ruth., 44.88171 -118.23202, 2438m
H. B. Howell none 1948-07-23
United States, Oregon, Clatsop, Astoria., 46.1881 -123.83
A. R. Aller 877 1948-07-15
United States, Oregon, Linn, Monument Peak., 44.695 -122.3203, 1219m
William E. Lawrence none 1918-07-06
United States, Oregon, Benton, along Willamette River, 5 miles S. of Corvallis., 44.51224 -123.22645
William C. Cusick 4500 1914-08-26
United States, Oregon, Douglas, South Umpqua River, at Roseburg., 43.2167 -123.3406
William C. Cusick 4166 1914-06-30
United States, Oregon, Douglas, near Umpqua River, Roseburg Quadrangle.
Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3167 1952-07-26
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, near Duck Lake, 2 miles above Indian Crossing, Imnaha River, Wallowa Mts., 45.101 -116.9923
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 10097 1918-07-13
United States, Washington, Klickitat, near Bingen., 45.7149315 -121.4653327
Franklin W. Sturges 622 1956-08-10
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, 21 miles south and 5 miles east of Lostine., 45.18763 -117.29919, 2256m
Christine C. Johnson 1536 1986-06-14
United States, Idaho, Idaho, 24 miles southwest of Powell along Hwy. 12 (near Stanley Creek); Clearwater National Forest., 46.4178297692 -115.171919888, 701m
Elaine Joyal 728 1983-08-31
United States, Washington, Skamania, revegetation survey of the Mt. St. Helens volcano, 3 yrs. after the eruption; transect 120., 46.1644292 -122.028579, 450m
Peter G. Mika 44 1972-06-15
United States, Oregon, Benton, about 0.5 miles east of Muddy Creek, William L. Finley Wildlife Refuge., 44.4 -123.3
Ruth E. Hopson none 1944-07-27
United States, Oregon, Unknown, near Camp Scott, Skline Trail., 1981m
Marianne Spahr 03-28 2003-07-09
United States, Washington, Pacific, The NAture Conservancy's Ellsworth Creek Preserve; entrance to the Yellow Gate Road., 46.4266666666667 -123.894583333333, 1m
Barbara L. Wilson 17464 2012-08-19
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Celilo Park at Celilo Village on the Columbia River., 45.65048 -120.96123
Peter F. Zika 23942 2008-07-26
United States, Washington, Kittitas, North Fork Teanaway Road near milepost 12.5, 0.5 miles s of hatchery., 47.3183333333333 -120.851666666667, 790m
Arthur J. Cronquist 7427 1953-07-09
United States, Oregon, Crook, east of Indian Creek, north of Big Summit Prairie, Ochoco Mts. between Prineville and Mitchell., 44.41591 -120.23561, 1524m
Wilhelm N. Suksdorf
United States, Washington, Klickitat, detailed locality information protected
Henry C. Gilbert 551 1916-06-12
United States, Oregon, Benton, west of Corvallis., 44.5717 -123.3639
Harold L. Lint c-213 1963-07-31
United States, Oregon, Grant, Starr Forest campground. Hwy. 395, ca. 25.5 km s. of John Day.
Richard R. Halse 5248 1997-07-04
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis, Jackson Frazier Wetland, at the end of Lancaster Street; just outside the eastern boundary., 44.61080772692 -123.24339591819, 69m
Suzanne Bagshaw 124 1999-07-10
United States, Washington, Colville, Colville National Forest: Ward Lake Wet meadow/emergent wetland around Ward Lake.
K. Stinman OR110-070 2007-07-14
United States, Oregon, Jackson, off Colbliegh Rd, on BLM Rd 34-2E-20 along the banks of a small canal on left & right of road., 42.6041944444444 -122.602305555556, 748m
Carex Working Group s.n. 2013-08-23
United States, Oregon, Curry, Pistol River floodpain north bank overflow channel, RM 2.17., 42.2829415651 -124.270823469
Charles L. Hitchcock 24091 1965-07-28
United States, Washington, Clallam, along outlet of Lake Ozette.
Peter F. Zika 25398 2010-08-30
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, west side of Route 101, about 1 km south of bridge over Yaquina Bay, Newport., 44.61 -124.051666666667, 10m