Louis F. Henderson 12540 1930-04-22
United States, Oregon, Jackson, hill above Normal School, Ashland, 42.1947 -122.7083
Louis F. Henderson s.n. 1934-03-16
United States, Oregon, Lane, at base and up Spencer's Butte., 43.9778 -123.1408
Orlin L. Ireland 431 1935-04-28
United States, Oregon, Lane, 3 miles south of Marcola, on the Marcola Road., 44.128833785 -122.8594
Orlin L. Ireland 765 1936-03-19
United States, Oregon, Lane, one mile east of Eugene., 44.0522 -122.992092952055
Lilla R. Leach 1845 1928-05-29
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Selma., 42.2792 -123.6147
Louis F. Henderson 5442 1925-06-16
United States, Oregon, Grant, Dixie Creek, near Prairie City., 44.4668 -118.7149
Edmund P. Sheldon 9603 1/2 1902-06-15
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Willamette Heighths, Portland, 45.5353 -122.7164
Edmund P. Sheldon 11807 1903-04-08
United States, Oregon, Coos, Golden Falls, Glen Creek., 43.4853 -123.9267
Georgia S. Mason 9318 1972-04-09
United States, Oregon, Lane, Mohawk Tree Farm east of Eugene., 44.0522 -122.95158851122, 457m
OSC-V-255746 Alexander Abair 159 2017-03-10
United States, Oregon, Benton, along the north side of Forest Road 760 between 761 and 762, Soap Creek Drainage, McDonald Forest., 44.6469725 -123.341240555556, 345m
OSC-V-256118 Arnold Tiehm 17368 2016-05-25
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Mountains, 11.1 road miles E of State Line on Barrel Springs Road to Mosquito Lake., 41.860383 -119.856533, 1920m
United States, Nevada
OSC-V-260450 Barbara L. Wilson 18967 2017-04-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area north of Adair Village., 44.700228 -123.207276, 66m
OSC-V-266509 David M. Danley 1271 1980-04-18
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, Near the confluence of the Alsea and Five Rivers, T.14S. R.9W. Sec.18
United States, Oregon
OSC-V-268831 Barbara L. Wilson 18967 2017-04-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, E. E Wilson Wildlife Area north of Adair Village, 44.700228 -123.207276, 66m
OSC-V-268797 Barbara L. Wilson s.n. 2022-05-26
United States, Oregon, Tillamook, Hudsonville Point Drive, 45.53479 -123.8919, 36m
OSC-V-269720 Barbara L. Wilson 19877 2020-03-24
United States, Oregon, Benton, E. E. Wilson Wildlife Area, south of Camp Adair Road, 44.695574 -123.212744, 72m
Morton E. Peck 16995 1931-04-10
United States, Oregon, Marion, along Battle Cr. 8 mi. S.W. of Salem., 44.8636 -123.0397
Peter F. Zika 11507 1992-04-29
United States, Oregon, Lane, vernal pond; cloverleaf, jct. Beltline and Rte. 99W; West Eugene., 44.09163 -123.15798
Barbara L. Wilson s.n. 1996-03-15
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis; Willamette Park; left of driveway into camping area at the park entrance at the east end of Goodnight Street; edge of graveled driveway., 44.5386 -123.2492, 76m
Bruce N. Newhouse 99002 1999-03-18
United States, Oregon, Benton, just W of OSU track on S side of Western Blvd., 44.55581 -123.282
Bruce N. Newhouse 99004 1999-02-22
United States, Oregon, Lane, Hwy 58, S. side; gravel pullout ~ 1/4 mile below M.P. 38, about 3/4 mile E of int. of Salmon Cr Rd, just E of Oakridge, across Salt Creek from green house., 43.729797084 -122.428100421, 396m
Barbara L. Wilson 9814 1999-04-28
United States, Oregon, Josephine, driveway of Magic Forest Farm, approximately 0.1 mile from entrance on Meadows Road, at intersection with a dirt road., 42.0434531003 -123.615396019, 500m
Richard E. Brainerd 190 2002-02-10
United States, Oregon, Lincoln, South Beach State Park on roadsides of campground Loops A and B; ca. 2 air miles south of downtown Newport., 44.6065 -124.0592, 12m
Richard R. Halse 5211 1997-05-10
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis, Jackson Frazier Wetland, at the end of Lancater Street., 44.61080772692 -123.24339591819, 69m
Bruce N. Newhouse 99001 1999-03-05
United States, Oregon, Lane, gravel parking lot at N end of Lookout Point Dam., 43.9189813194 -122.752341038, 366m
Bruce N. Newhouse 98001 1998-02-09
United States, Oregon, Lane, in BLM's West Eugene Wetlands Office parking lot., 44.0499307121 -123.175721984, 119m
Thomas N. Kaye 1310 1991-03-07
United States, Oregon, Columbia, west of the Columbia River between Scappoose Creek and Multnomah Channel., 45.795397343 -122.838861899, 3m
Richard E. Brainerd 2140 2013-05-01
United States, Oregon, Benton, MacDonald Forest at intersection of Road 800 and Road 810; approx. 5.7 air miles northwest of downtown Corvallis., 44.6403 -123.3067, 206m
Peter F. Zika 10478 1988-05-02
United States, Oregon, Lane, South of Franklin Rd. on a jeep road on E. bank of Long Tom River canal; pastured fields., 44.1501 -123.3002, 107m
Danna J. Lytjen 147 2004-05-04
United States, Oregon, Lane, Cascade Mountains, east end of city of Oakridge on Highway 50, 30 feet east of private logging road underpass., 43.73069 -122.44149, 381m
Peter F. Zika 11052 1991-01-27
United States, Oregon, Lane, small mossy bald at E dege of BLM Fox Hollow RNA; W of Boardtree Cr. drainage (Fox Hollow Cr. trib.)., 43.9368935864 -123.165027028, 332m
Bruce N. Newhouse 97008 1997-03-28
United States, Oregon, Lane, church parking lot at 46th and Fox Hollow, South Eugene., 44.0022329938 -123.085001918, 183m
Bruce N. Newhouse 99003 1999-03-20
United States, Oregon, Lane, in 2nd lowest and lowest parking lots at the SW corner of LCC campus near I-5 in Eugene., 44.0096988121 -123.034930905
Peter F. Zika 13046 1997-04-14
United States, Oregon, Lane, BLM offic, NE corner of Danebo & 11th; West Eugene., 44.0517221244 -123.173202833, 119m
Richard E. Brainerd 9841 1999-04-28
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Grants Pass; in parking area of Redwood Drive-in on north side of Redwood Avenue, approximately 1.25 mile west of junction of Highway 199, 99, and 238., 42.4392 -123.3272, 282m
Peter F. Zika 11982 1993-05-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, clearing in the woods of Psuedotsuga and Quercus garryana, NW of Gray Cr. swamp, S of Bellfountain Rd, SW side of Mill Hill, Mill Hill loop trail, Finley National Wildlife Refuge., 44.3985474524 -123.351064307, 107m
Peter F. Zika 10478 1988-04-30
United States, Oregon, Lane, access road on east bank of Long Tom Canal, ca. 50 m S of Franklin Road bridge., 44.1555454364 -123.307735558, 107m
Nick J. Otting 493 2007-04-30
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Klamath Mountain ecoregion, Wolf Creek County Park, 0.5 air miles west of Wolf Creek., 42.6950833333333 -123.404138888889, 381m
Rhoda M. Love 9001 1990-04-05
United States, Oregon, Lane, between cultivated field and Long Tom Canal; fields N and S of Franklin Road where the road crosses the Long Tom Canal; ca. 2 mi. N. of Fern Ridge Dam., 44.14999 -123.28011
Peter F. Zika 11082 1991-04-29
United States, Oregon, Lane, N side of Cantrell Road, just W of Coyote Cr, ca. 6 miles SW of Eugene airport., 44.0448349469 -123.275196518
Danielle Roth s.n. 1991-04-06
United States, Oregon, Linn, South Santiam River, at Menear's Bend along Hwy. 20 east of Foster., 44.4079524576 -122.590041957, 195m
Joseph Howell s.n.
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Sauvie's Island., 45.6283 -122.7944
Peter F. Zika 11067 1991-04-07
United States, Oregon, Benton, 1.2 miles W of Rte. 99W, Finley NWR., 44.4240437556 -123.304429244, 76m
Bruce N. Newhouse 97009
United States, Oregon, Lane, S edge of Opportunity Center (First Place Fmaily Center) parking lot, just W of S Eugene High School and ~ 200' S of 19th and Pearl on E side of Pearl., 44.0388296232 -123.089957291, 128m
Louis F. Henderson 138 1882-04-01
United States, Oregon, Unknown, wet, grassy meadows along the Willamette River.
Richard E. Brainerd 2137 2013-04-15
United States, Oregon, Linn, Albany; vacant area along south side of SE 9th Avenue., 44.6323 -123.0873, 67m
Kenton L. Chambers 6171 2000-03-17
United States, Oregon, Benton, Hwy. 20/34, 3.1 mi. w. of junction with Hwy. 99E in Corvallis, and 0.6 mi. w. of junction with 53rd. St, east of Philomath; edge of gravel driveway, at New Hope Center Church., 44.54109 -123.32308
Scott Sundberg 4814 2000-03-22
United States, Oregon, Benton, north of Corvallis; in road behind and below targets in the pistol range, just south of a small shed; Camp Adair Rifle Range., 44.7119 -123.2668, 250m
OSC0000870 Thomas J. Howell s.n.
United States, Oregon, Columbia or Multnomah, Sauvies Island., 45.7223 -122.8192
Louis F. Henderson 128
United States, Oregon, Columbia or Multnomah, wet fields, Sauvies Island., 45.7223 -122.8192
Louis F. Henderson s.n. 1884-03-29
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, moist meadows, along the Willamette R. below Portland., 45.44221 -122.64901
Martin W. Gorman 10338 1902-05-10
United States, Oregon, Columbia or Multnomah, Suavies Island., 45.7223 -122.8192
OSC-V-260449 Barbara L. Wilson 18982 2017-04-10
United States, Oregon, Benton, E.E. Wilson Wildlife area north of Adair Village., 44.701826 -123.20355, 66m
OSC-V-260536 R.E. Brainerd 2688 2018-04-05
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis; Benton County Fairgrounds; NE corner of south parking lot., 44.5661 -123.3132, 86m
OSC-V-257109 Richard E. Brainerd 44 1997-04-14
United States, Oregon, Benton, southeast Corvallis, north side of end of SE Chapman Place, at margins of the parking lot for the corvallis BMX track; near confluence of the Mary's River and the Willamette River., 44.5540748649 -123.264215949, 67m
OSC-V-261133 Richard E. Brainerd 2962 2019-04-23
United States, Oregon, Lane, Junction City; 60 m west of intersection of 10th Avenue and Oaklea Drive., 44.2222 -123.22264, 99m
OSC-V-261863 Richard E. Brainerd 2522 2017-05-09
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Whetstone Prairie Preserve. Ca. 6 km west of White City., 42.41982 -122.91384, 377m
United States, Oregon
OSC-V-268822 Barbara L. Wilson 18983 2017-04-10
United States, Oregon, Benton, E. E. Wilson Wildlife Area north of Adair Village, 44.699981 -123.206275, 66m
Morton E. Peck 21437 1942-06-28
United States, Oregon, Harney, high W. slope of Steen Mts. below Fish L., 42.77981 -118.75653
Morton E. Peck 25913b
United States, Oregon, Marion, none.
Morton E. Peck 14048 1925-06-29
United States, Oregon, Harney, top of Steen Mts. 5 mi. S. of head of Wild Horse C., 42.55751 -118.5739, 2300m
Morton E. Peck 1704 1912-06-17
United States, Oregon, Harney, Burns., 43.5864 -119.0531
Morton E. Peck 1703 1910-05-07
United States, Oregon, Marion, Salem., 44.9431 -123.0339
W. E. Sherwood 35 1923-05-17
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, 8 mi. W. of Meacham., 45.5067 -118.586451461467
Morton E. Peck 20012 1938-07-05
United States, Oregon, Baker, 5 mi. N. of Sparta., 44.943877025 -117.3231
W. E. Sherwood 34 1923-05-13
United States, Oregon, Wasco, canyon of Deschutes R. near mouth., 45.634206 -120.915356
Morton E. Peck 9605 1920-07-24
United States, Oregon, Deschutes, LaPine., 43.6706 -121.5025
Morton E. Peck 1705 1913-07-17
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Grizzly Peak., 42.27 -122.6175
Harry S. Prescott none
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Grants Pass., 42.4392 -123.3272
W. E. Sherwood 582 1924-05-21
United States, Oregon, Jackson, top of Siskiyou Mts. near Siskiyou., 42.0743 -122.60639
W. E. Sherwood 889 1924-05-26
United States, Oregon, Jackson, 4 mi. W. of Prospect., 42.715 -122.5696
Angela C. Sondenaa 540 1999-06-09
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Precious Lands Wildlife Management Area; ridge between the east and west forks of Tamarack Creek; from road switchback to frog saddle., 45.9222222222222 -117.117222222222, 1280m
Berta A. Youtie B52 1975-06-06
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Lawrence Memorial Grassland Preserve., 44.97517 -120.84383, 1036m
Peter G. Mika 116 1972-06-20
United States, Oregon, Benton, Willamette Floodplain Natural Area; lowland prairies along floodplains about 0.5 miles east of Muddy Creek, William L. Finley Wildlife Refuge; collected in unplowed, lightly grazed prairies., 44.4 -123.3
Richard R. Halse 8864 2013-06-20
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, south of Joseph at the end of State Hwy. 351 (Wallowa Lake Road) by the Wallowa Lake Trailhead; south of Wallowa Lake., 45.26745 -117.21254, 1411m
Georgia S. Mason 6192 1963-07-02
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Ponderosa woods., 45.19983 -117.07433, 1646m
Henry C. Gilbert 224 1916-06-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis., 44.5647 -123.2608
Alison Colwell JM193 1996-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Hot Springs Campground; on Rock Creek., 42.4986111111111 -119.691388888889, 1840m
Farnham, Mrs. 48
United States, Oregon, Crook, Marks Creek., 44.4185898034 -120.494573412
Percy Train s.n. 1935-07-05
United States, Oregon, Harney, Stein's Mountain; N. end Sullivan Creek., 42.85332 -118.49076, 1829m
Richard R. Halse 6531 2004-06-01
United States, Oregon, Grant, along U.S. Hwy. 395, ca. 5.7 miles north of Seneca in Bear Valley., 44.2089166666667 -119.023472222222, 1424m
John R. Reeder 111 1941-06-13
United States, Oregon, Lake, upper end of Warner Canyon., 42.24129 -120.30992, 1707m
Carolyn E. Wright s.n. 1989-06-16
United States, Oregon, Harney, Silver Creek Research Natural Area, North of Riley on boundary of Ochoco National Forest., 43.76383 -119.62641
Kenton L. Chambers 5626 1991-06-08
United States, Oregon, Jefferson, Junction of Roads 11 and 1170; 11 mi. west of "The Island," Lake Billy Chinook; in a dried roadside swale., 44.55955 -121.50284
Emil E. Zivney 300
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Blue Mts.
Robert Goff 040 1996-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, hill east of Hot Springs Campground., 42.4986111111111 -119.691388888889, 1840m
William K. Farrell s.n. 1956-06-29
United States, Oregon, Grant, Silvies Lodge Area, about 35 miles north of Burns., 44.0121 -118.9259
Morton E. Peck 20012 1938-07-05
United States, Oregon, Baker, 5 mi. N. of Sparta., 44.943877025 -117.3231
John R. Reeder 58 1941-06-11
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Bonanza, Bly Road., 42.1989 -121.405, 1554m
John M. Johnson 398 1960-06-15
United States, Oregon, Deschutes or Jefferson, Black Butte, Jefferson and Deschutes Cos. NW of Sisters., 44.39813 -121.6355, 945m
[unknown] 1029 1979-04-09
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Rowena Dell Plateau Nature Conservancy Preserve; Columbia Gorge Plateau, 10 K, West of The Dalles., 45.6853 -121.30588, 122m
J. O. Stewart 24 1917-05-27
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Horsefly Valley; Lorella., 42.1372 -121.2714, 1463m
J. S. Shelly 485 1983-05-19
United States, Oregon, Lake, Uplands west of Fish Creek Rim, 1 mile north of Finucane Spring, ca. 6 air miles SSW. of Plush; along wet draws., 42.3195607691 -119.979071094, 1725m
Richard R. Halse 4585 1993-04-11
United States, Oregon, Linn, Just east of Corvallis along State Hwy. 34 at the O.S.U. Botany Farm., 44.57022827439 -123.24243762286, 64m
B. F. Dana s.n.
United States, Washington, Klickitat, just south of Satus Pass.
William H. Baker 2727 1946-04-20
United States, Oregon, Lane, Coburg Hills; West slope., 44.13515 -122.99684
Richard R. Halse 2136 1980-04-20
United States, Oregon, Benton, N.E. Corvallis, west of Canterbury Circle, area around Frazier Creek., 44.60008 -123.24113, 67m