OregonFlora Field Photo Collection (OF-FP)
Contacts: OregonFlora Staff, info@oregonflora.org
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 November 2024
Cite this collection: Biodiversity data published by: OregonFlora Field Photo Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: a39cfc30-d3b5-4335-9cfe-1afefefb8934) accessed via the OregonFlora Portal, oregonflora.org, 2025-01-07).
Collection Statistics
101,832 specimen records
63,562 (62%) georeferenced
63,932 (63%) with images (63,983 total images) 90,389 (89%) identified to species 174 families 1,007 genera 3,433 species 4,367 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Aegilops (26 ) Agropyron (39 ) Agrostis (119 ) Aira (27 ) Alopecurus (92 ) Ammophila (2 ) Anthoxanthum (40 ) Apera (11 ) Aristida (22 ) Arrhenatherum (27 ) Arundo (4 ) Avena (34 ) Beckmannia (49 ) Bouteloua (2 ) Brachypodium (66 ) Briza (24 ) Bromus (300 ) Calamagrostis (109 ) Cenchrus (45 ) Cinna (6 ) Cortaderia (50 ) Crypsis (20 ) Cynodon (26 ) Cynosurus (26 ) Dactylis (31 ) Danthonia (93 ) Deschampsia (92 ) Dichanthelium (30 ) Digitaria (28 ) Distichlis (64 ) Echinochloa (73 ) Eleusine (3 ) Elymus (158 ) Eragrostis (72 ) Eremopyrum (19 ) Eriocoma (126 ) Festuca (234 ) Gastridium (4 ) Glyceria (116 ) Graphephorum (8 ) Greeneochloa (5 ) Hainardia (8 ) Hesperostipa (30 ) Hierochloë (16 ) Holcus (55 ) Hordeum (154 ) Koeleria (54 ) Leersia (51 ) Leucopoa (3 ) Leymus (95 ) Lolium (25 ) Melica (75 ) Molinia (1 ) Muhlenbergia (51 ) Nardus (13 ) Nassella (12 ) Panicum (58 ) Pascopyrum (14 ) Paspalum (49 ) Phalaris (78 ) Phleum (64 ) Phragmites (42 ) Piptatheropsis (11 ) Pleuropogon (20 ) Poa (285 ) Podagrostis (10 ) Polypogon (17 ) Pseudoroegneria (41 ) Puccinellia (17 ) Rytidosperma (6 ) Schedonorus (34 ) Sclerochloa (13 ) Secale (19 ) Setaria (26 ) Sorghum (17 ) Spartina (48 ) Sporobolus (23 ) Taeniatherum (23 ) Thinopyrum (65 ) Torreyochloa (18 ) Tripidium (25 ) Triplasis (4 ) Trisetum (15 ) Triticum (7 ) Vahlodea (10 ) Ventenata (17 ) Vulpia (53 ) Zea (4 ) Zizania (15 )