OregonFlora Field Photo Collection (OF-FP)
Contacts: OregonFlora Staff, info@oregonflora.org
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 30 November 2023
Cite this collection: Biodiversity data published by: OregonFlora Field Photo Collection. Occurrence dataset (ID: a39cfc30-d3b5-4335-9cfe-1afefefb8934) accessed via the OregonFlora Portal, oregonflora.org, 2024-09-07).
Collection Statistics
93,132 specimen records
55,358 (59%) georeferenced
55,510 (60%) with images (55,582 total images) 81,855 (88%) identified to species 173 families 996 genera 3,389 species 4,319 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Acaena (13 ) Amelanchier (106 ) Aphanes (32 ) Aruncus (47 ) Cercocarpus (80 ) Chaenomeles (6 ) Chamaebatiaria (35 ) Comarum (29 ) Cotoneaster (74 ) Crataegus (179 ) Dasiphora (36 ) Dryas (44 ) Drymocallis (125 ) Duchesnea (15 ) Filipendula (21 ) Fragaria (157 ) Geum (157 ) Heteromeles (4 ) Holodiscus (92 ) Horkelia (204 ) Ivesia (91 ) Luetkea (45 ) Malus (80 ) Oemleria (83 ) Peraphyllum (14 ) Photinia (7 ) Physocarpus (90 ) Potentilla (420 ) Poteridium (21 ) Poterium (24 ) Prunus (278 ) Purshia (56 ) Pyracantha (22 ) Pyrus (12 ) Rosa (371 ) Rubus (479 ) Sanguisorba (43 ) Sibbaldia (13 ) Sorbus (92 ) Spiraea (150 )