Oregon State University Fungi, OSC (OSU-M)
Contacts: Jessie Uehling, jessie.uehling@oregonstate.edu
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 25 April 2018
Rights Holder: Oregon State University
Access Rights: http://vertnet.org/resources/norms.html
Cite this collection: Biodiversity data published by: Oregon State University Fungi, OSC. Occurrence dataset (ID: 97665742-2890-4730-8b33-4f3be36e37ac) http://mycoportal.org/portal/webservices/dwc/dwcapubhandler.php?collid=12 accessed via the OregonFlora Portal, oregonflora.org, 2024-09-17).
Collection Statistics
85,005 specimen records
34,112 (40%) georeferenced
39 (0.05%) identified to species 338 families 2 genera 1 species 1 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution - Colorado
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that term
Alamosa (1 ) Archuleta (19 ) Baca (2 ) Boulder (233 ) Butte (1 ) Chaffee (12 ) Clear Creek (47 ) Costilla (2 ) Custer (4 ) Delta (4 ) Denver (35 ) Dolores (1 ) Douglas (7 ) Eagle (5 ) El Paso (50 ) Fraser (1 ) Fremont (5 ) Garfield (7 ) Gilpin (11 ) Gothic (1 ) Grand (27 ) Gunneson (2 ) Gunnison (24 ) Hinsdale (6 ) Huerfano (2 ) Jackson (10 ) Jefferson (45 ) La Plata (22 ) Larimer (54 ) Las Animas (7 ) Lincoln (1 ) Mesa (3 ) Mineral (16 ) Moffat (5 ) Montezuma (14 ) Montrose (10 ) Otero (2 ) Ouray (4 ) Park (3 ) Pitkin (1 ) Rio Blanco (4 ) Routt (18 ) Saguache (2 ) San Juan (1 ) Summit (19 ) Summitt (1 ) Washington (1 ) Weld (1 ) Yuma (2 )