Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (GH)
Contacts: OregonFlora Staff,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 4 August 2020
Cite this collection: Biodiversity data published by: Gray Herbarium, Harvard University. Occurrence dataset (ID: 3bd6ff30-7266-438a-8d57-aa309abea553) accessed via the OregonFlora Portal,, 2025-01-15).
Collection Statistics
780 specimen records
108 (14%) georeferenced
6 (0.77%) with images 530 (68%) identified to species 59 families 213 genera 351 species 439 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Arabis (1 ) Boechera (4 ) Cardamine (7 ) Draba (2 ) Idahoa (1 ) Lepidium (4 ) Noccaea (1 ) Physaria (3 ) Polyctenium (1 ) Rorippa (1 ) Stanleya (2 ) Streptanthus (2 ) Thelypodium (5 ) Turritis (1 )