Flora of Oregon

Shrubs deciduous, erect to trailing.

Leaves opposite, simple, margins entire to somewhat lobed; petioles short; stipules lacking.

Inflorescences axillary or terminal, clusters or flowers solitary.

Flowers corollas radially symmetric, sometimes slightly swollen at bases or on one side, tubes bell-shaped to salverform; stamens inserted on corolla; ovaries inferior, 4-chambered, 2-seeded, ovules pendulous.

Fruits berry-like drupes, white to pink, with 2 1-seeded nutlets.

Central America, North America, western China. ~15 species; 4 species treated in Flora.

The name snowberry comes from the white, berry-like fruits borne by most species. These fruits are valuable food for wildlife, and the plants are browsed by mammals and provide valuable cover. The leaves are eaten by caterpillars of the snowberry checkerspot (Euphadryas colon) and other related butterflies.