Plants annual; stems prostrate, 4–40 cm, glabrous; taprooted.
Leaves oblanceolate to elliptic or ovate, 3–10 mm, occasionally with central red spot, margins entire to shallowly toothed, tips rounded, surfaces glabrous; petioles 0.3–1 mm; stipules linear, often dissected, 1–1.5 mm.
Inflorescences involucres 0.5–1 mm, glabrous; glands elliptic, gland appendages white.
Fruits ovoid, 1.5–2 mm, glabrous.
Seeds ovoid, 1–1.5 mm, cross-ridged.
Dry areas, roadsides. Flowering Jun–Sep. 0–1600 m. BW, Col, ECas, Lava, Owy, Sisk, WV. CA, ID, NV, WA; southern Canada and most of US except southeastern states, Mexico. Native.