Impatiens parviflora

Flora of Oregon

Plants to 1 m.

Leaves alternate; blades ovate to elliptic, finely to coarsely serrate, tips acuminate; petiole bases with columnar glands.

Inflorescences 1–12-flowered; peduncles 2–10 cm.

Flowers gradually tapered to a straight or gently curved spur, primarily pale yellow and white, with dark yellow throat and dark yellow markings within tube and often at mouth, often with dark reddish lines within dark yellow markings; 1–5 mm between pedicel and base of spur; spurs 3–9 mm.

Fruits linear-oblong to oblanceolate, 14–30 mm.

Seeds oblong to elliptic-oblong or ovate-oblong, densely striate-papillose.


Mesic slopes, open forest. Flowering Jun–Sep. 50–200 m. WV. WA; north to British Columbia, eastern Canada, WI; Asia. Exotic.

Herbarium specimens