Pastinaca sativa
Gerald D. Carr

Flora of Oregon

Plants biennial, 3–10(15) dm.

Stems stout.

Leaves elliptic to ovate in outline, 5–50 cm, length ? 2 × width (upper leaves highly reduced); leaflets lanceolate, to ovate to nearly circular, 1–20 × 1–10 cm, margins coarsely toothed.

Inflorescences umbellets often in clusters of 3–5; rays 2–10 cm; pedicels 1–6 mm.

Flowers petals yellow.

Fruits 5–7 mm.


Roadsides, wet disturbed sites. Flowering Jun–Aug. 0–800 m. BW, ECas, Lava, Owy, Sisk, WV. CA, ID, NV, WA; throughout North America; Asia, Europe. Exotic.

Cultivated for its edible taproot, all North American P. sativa originated from plants brought from Eurasia.

Photo images


Herbarium specimens
