Plants annual, 1–5(7) dm.
Stems decumbent to ascending, slender, branched or not.
Leaves blades with deeply pinnatifid segments, oblong to elliptic in outline, 3–9 cm; petioles 0–10 mm.
Inflorescences peduncles 0–2.5 cm; involucral bracts 0–1, linear or hair-like, 1–4 mm; rays 2–4, 0–2 mm, inconspicuous; involucel bractlets 2–4, linear, 1–4 mm; pedicels 0–3 mm.
Flowers petals 1–3 mm.
Fruits ovate, 2–3 mm; bristles ascending and somewhat incurved.
Disturbed areas. Flowering May–Jul. 0–100 m. Est, WV. CA; widely scattered in North America; Africa, Asia, Europe, South America. Exotic.
The sessile to nearly sessile inflorescences of T. nodosa are unique among our Torilis species.