Inflorescences 3–12-flowered; scapes 20– 60 cm.
Flowers 25–35 mm long; perianth pale to bright purple or blue; tubes cylindershaped, 6–12 mm long; lobes 18–30 mm long; filaments 6–10 mm long; anthers 8–12 mm long, longer than filaments, apex rounded; staminodia linear, leaning away from stamens 15–25 mm long, distinctly longer than stamens, margins flat, apex rounded; style 15– 20 mm long.
Dry woods and grasslands. Flowering Apr–Jun. 500–600 m. Sisk. CA. Native.
as described under Brodiaea californica ssp. californica
Flowers: perianth lobes 6-10 mm wide; staminodia margins 1/4 involute; ovary 7-11 mm. 2n = 12.Flowering spring (late May--early Jun). Grasslands, open woodlands, gravelly clay soils; 0--800 m; Calif.Subspecies californica is found in the foothills and grasslands of northern California. There are unverified reports of occurrence in southern Oregon.