Camassia leichtlinii ssp. leichtlinii
Gerald D. Carr

Flora of Oregon

Flowers tepals creamy-white.

Open wet swales, grassy slopes, and shaded moist woodlands. Flowering Apr–May. 50–300 m. CR, Sisk. Native.

The creamy-white corollas and geographic range most reliably characterize this subspecies. Other traits lie within the range of variation in size measured for C. l. ssp. suksdorfii, but often in the largest categories. This may reflect the moist habitats and low elevations at which ssp. leichtlinii occurs. Except for flower color, the two subspecies show little differentiation, morphologically or phylogenetically. Near Wilbur, plants of C. l. ssp. leichtlinii grow intermixed (with some habitat differentiation) in the same meadow as C. quamash ssp. intermedia. Putative hybrids are present, but infrequent.

Gardening with Natives

Camassia leichtlinii ssp. leichtlinii and potentially other subspecies or varieties of Camassia leichtlinii are propagated for gardening and landscaping uses. Learn more here.

Flora of North America

as described under Camassia leichtlinii ssp. leichtlinii

Perianth creamy white.Flowering late spring. Wet meadows; 100--200 m; Oreg.

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Herbarium specimens
