Stems 5–50 cm, simple or branched near base, glabrous, glaucous.
Leaves 5–30 mm.
Flowers sepals 1–1.5 mm; staminodes white to pink, sometimes red-tipped.
2n=16, 18, 32, 34.
Gravel shores. Flowering Jun–Sep. 0–50 m. WV. British Columbia, MD; Asia, Europe. Exotic.
While most Oregon collections of C. litoralis were made between 1911 and 1927 on ballast lands near Lower Albina (Portland), the species was rediscovered in 1992 near Portland.
as described under Corrigiola litoralis ssp. litoralis
Plants annual or biennial, gla-brous, glaucous. Stems 5-50 cm. Leaves mostly alternate; blade lance-oblong to linear-oblance-olate, 5-30 mm, base narrowed to obscure petiole. Pedicels artic-ulated, to 1 mm. Flowers: sepals 1-1.5 mm; staminodes white to pink, sometimes red-tipped. Utricles 1-2 mm. 2n = 16, 18, 32, 54 (Europe).Flowering summer-fall. Waste places, ballasts, grassy areas; 0-200 m; introduced; B.C.; Md., Oreg.; Eurasia.Historical records from ballast grounds at Camden, New Jersey (1870s), and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, exist, as well as a single report as a garden weed from Massachusetts (1900-; Manning s.n., GH).