Amsinckia tessellata var. tessellata
Gerald D. Carr

Flora of Oregon

Plants 1.5–6 dm.

Stems usually erect to ascending, usually branched at base and above, hispid with bristles.

Leaves linear- to ovate-lanceolate, entire, surfaces hispid, hairs thin, pustulose at base.

Flower calyx lobes 3–4, unequal in width, some fused below middle; corollas 8–12 mm, tubes 5–10 mm, 20-veined near base, limbs 2–6 mm in diameter, yellow, dark orange in center; stamens attached near throat of corolla tube, anthers appressed to stigma; styles reaching anthers.

Fruits 2.5–4(5) mm, mottled, ridged or not, tubercles rounded, cobblestone-like, scars nearly median, ovate, without a slit-like groove.


Rocky or sandy soils. Flowering Apr–Jul. 0–1800 m. BR, BW, Casc, Col, ECas, Lava, Owy, Sisk, WV. CA, ID, NV, WA; north to British Columbia, southeast to NM, south to Baja California; MO; South America. Native.

The specific name refers to the tessellated (mosaic-like) covering of tubercles on the fruits.

Photo images


Herbarium specimens
