Plants usually perennial, (5)20–130 cm tall; usually cespitose.
Leaves sheaths open; ligules membranous; blades flat or involute.
Inflorescences panicles; disarticulation below the glumes, the distal floret occasionally disarticulating before the others.
Spikelets laterally compressed, 2–3 florets; the rachillas prolonged beyond the base of the distal floret.
Glumes approximately as long as the lowest floret; lower glumes narrower and 1(3)-veined; tips acute; upper glumes elliptical to oblanceolate or obovate, 3(5)-veined; tips rounded, truncate, acute or acuminate.
Calluses glabrous.
Lemmas not hard, rounded on lower back, usually keeled near the tips, 3(5)-veined but veins very faint; awnless or awned; lemma awns terminal or arising just below the tips, straight or bent.
Anthers 3.
Caryopses linear-ellipsoid.
North America and the Caribbean. Approximately 6 species; 1 species treated in Flora.