Achlys triphylla
Gerald D. Carr

Gardening with Natives

Vanilla leaf has a single large, sweet-scented leaf that is divided into three leaflets with scalloped edges that resemble wings. The fragrant leaves can reportedly act as an insect repellant when dried. Forming soft carpets in wooded areas, this low groundcover produces a foamy spike of tiny, white flowers a few inches above its foliage in late spring. Reddish-brown, leathery fruits form on the spikes later in the season. Great as an understory plant in shady woodland gardens with high organic matter.

Flora of North America

as described under Achlys triphylla

Plants , 2-4 dm. Leaves: petiole 1-3 cm. Central leaflet blade 4-11 × 4-8 cm, proximal margins entire, distal margins (1-)3-4(-8)-lobed. Inflorescences 2.5-5 cm excluding peduncle. Flowers: stamens 3-4 mm; ovaries 1-1.5 mm. Follicles red-purple, 3-4.5 mm. 2 n = 12.Flowering spring-summer (Apr-Jul). Mountain regions in Cascade Range and Coast Range of California in coniferous forests; 0-1500 m; B.C.; Calif., Oreg., Wash.Medicinally, Native Americans used preparations of the leaves of Achlys triphylla to treat tuberculosis, for a hair wash, and as an emetic (D. E. Moermann 1986).

Subspecies and varieties

Photo images


Herbarium specimens