Astragalus applegatei
Gerald D. Carr

Flora of Oregon

Plants perennial, caulescent, thinly strigillose, hairs basifixed.

Stems 1–few, prostrate, 30–40 cm.

Leaves 3.5–7 cm; leaflets 7–11, linear to linear-elliptic, (5)8–20 × 1–3 mm, tips obtuse or sometimes mucronulate, surfaces abaxially strigillose, adaxially glabrous; stipules 1.5–3 mm, free.

Inflorescences racemes loosely 10–18-flowered; peduncles 3–6 cm; bracts 1–1.5 mm; pedicels 1–1.5 mm; bracteoles 0.

Flowers spreading at anthesis, declined in age; calyces 3–3.3 mm, strigillose with white or a mixture of white and black hairs, tubes 2.3–2.5 mm, teeth triangular, 0.7–0.9 mm; corollas 6.5–7 mm, whitish, tinged with lilac; ovules 8–10.

Fruits unilocular, spreading or declined, oblong-ellipsoid,

± straight, strongly laterally compressed, bicarinate, 8–11 × 2.4 × 3 mm, strigillose; valves thinly cartilaginous; stipes 4–5 mm.

Moist meadows, ditches, wet flats. Flowering Jun–Jul. 1200–1400 m. ECas. Native. Endemic to Oregon.

Applegate’s milkvetch is currently known only from Klamath County, Oregon.

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Herbarium specimens
