Brodiaea terrestris
Gerald D. Carr

Flora of Oregon

Inflorescences 2–10-flowered; scapes 0.5– 18 cm.

Flowers 15–25 mm long; perianth purple; tubes narrowly bell-shaped, 5–10 mm long; lobes 10–15 mm long; filaments 2–3 mm long; anthers 3–5 mm long, apex notched; staminodia wide, leaning toward stamens, 4–8 mm long, approximately equal in length to stamens, margins flat or inrolled for 25% of their length, apex notched; style 4–8 mm long.

2n=12, 36, 48.

Coastal grasslands and woodlands. Flowering May–Jul. 0–400 m. Est. CA. Native.

Plants with slightly larger flowers in central and southern California are referred to as B. t. ssp. kernensis by some authorities. Our plants, with smaller flowers, are referred to as B. t. ssp. terrestris

Flora of North America

as described under Brodiaea terrestris

Scape 0.5-20 cm, slender. Flowers 16-33 mm; perianth pinkish purple or rose, tube narrowly campanulate, 6-13 mm, opaque, not splitting in fruit, lobes ascending, recurved distally, 10-20 mm; filaments 2-3 mm, base dilated to form triangular flap; anthers linear, 3-6 mm, apex separated; staminodia leaning inward slightly but held away from stamens, violet to whitish, broad, 4-5 mm, margins 1/4 involute, apex broad, slightly hooded, 2-notched; ovary 7-9 mm; style 4-9 mm; pedicel 1-15 cm.

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Herbarium specimens