Plagiobothrys hirtus
Gerald D. Carr

Flora of Oregon

Plants annual or perennial, green; usually fibrous-rooted, becoming taprooted.

Stems usually erect proximally, sometimes reclining, stout or slender, 3–7 dm, spreading-hirsute above, mostly glabrous below, rooting at nodes in some populations.

Basal leaves 0.

Cauline leaves seasonally dimorphic; lower opposite, 1–2.5 cm; upper alternate.

Inflorescences usually paired; bracts absent; pedicels 1–2 mm.

Flowers calyces 5–6 mm, lobes erect to somewhat spreading, densely setose-hirsute, midveins generally slender; corolla limbs 8–14 mm in diameter; fornices yellow, fading white.

Fruits lance-ovate to widely ovate, usually 1.6–2.0 mm, brown to dark brown, abaxial surfaces coarsely papillate to tuberculate, transverse ridges irregular, sometimes reticulate, keels usually well defined.

Attachment scars on adaxial surfaces, near bases, ovate to deltate, usually ± flat or ± concave, < 20% fruit length.

Ditches, swamps, swales, seasonal wet meadows. Flowering May–Jun. 0–400 m. Sisk. Native. Endemic to Oregon.

Photo images


Herbarium specimens
