Label Collection of Katie E. Mitchell (OSU-MITCHELL)

This is a collection of labels for specimens collected by Katie E. Mitchell. The current disposition of a particular specimen may be unknown; they may not (or ever) be deposited in an herbarium, though many will eventually be deposited at Oregon State University (OSC).
Collection Type: General Observations
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: f9552aae-cae1-43c6-bd59-5b80bc611d69
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Katie E. Mitchell
Access Rights:
Cite this collection:
Biodiversity data published by: Label Collection of Katie E. Mitchell. Occurrence dataset (ID: f9552aae-cae1-43c6-bd59-5b80bc611d69) accessed via the OregonFlora Portal,, 2024-07-26).
Botany and Plant Pathology Department
Oregon State University
2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR   97331
[1] 541 737 4106
Updated June 2023 WILLU not interfiled. ORE interfiled with OSC. Specimens from ORE, OSC, and WILLU sent on all loan requests and should be cited based on the original herbarium.

Taxonomic Coverage: All groups; hypogeous fungi, Glomales

Geography: Worldwide, mainly the Pacific Northwest

Incorporated Collections: WILLU (32 000 specimens) in 1976; LAGO (in part); ORE (110 000 specimens) in 1993; fungi of U.S. Forest Service Pathology Herbarium.

Total Specimens: 600000

GrSciColl Link

Index Herbariorum Link
Collection Statistics
  • 9 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced
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